Technology is a significant enabler of achieving value and efficiency. Rapid innovations in technology require clients to evaluate whether the latest technology can be applied to their business. As our client’s grow their business, they look to us to help evaluate and integrate the best use of technology.
Technology Implementation Plan
Often, clients are pressured by their own employees to implement certain technologies; the latest smartphone, improved Internet service, a more robust accounting software or the latest mobile devices. Regardless of the technology, a leader’s dilemma remains the same; is it beneficial for the business or is this just another trend that will fade and not add any value?
Clients hire us to evaluate their current and long-term technology requirements. We design a plan that drives implementation of technology over a period of time and will match their business plan.
How We Do It
With most clients, we will spend time meeting with staff and management to understand their day-to-day functions and tasks. This involves meetings, direct and indirect observations, and validation of these functions and tasks. The investigation stage provides a baseline workflow. Next, we will evaluate the current technology used to perform this workflow.
Upon completion of the current technology and workflow investigation, we present the client with multiple technology plans for replacement or strengthening of the existing technology. In some cases, the existing technology does not change, instead a reduction in the amount of existing technology occurs.
Once our clients agree to proceed with certain technology improvements, replacement, or reductions, we will work to implement the changes on behalf of our clients.
Expected Results
Our clients see various and drastic changes to their technology infrastructure. Some will see cost reductions due to changes of technology and/or vendors. Other will see increased productivity due to matching of the applicable technology. And, in some cases, reduction in labor cost as a result of technology replacing labor-intensive activities.